A customer of 20-plus years recently asked us to see if we could do a parking lot update in Plainview, NY (located in Oyster Bay).
This client reached out to us after dealing with some challenging parking lot issues, asking us to make some more parking spaces in his parking lot. The area in which he wanted more parking spots to be added was in a space where a large brick planter was centralized. He asked us to come take a look.
We arrived the next day as we were already working in the area. We determined that if we removed a portion of the planter, we could add in 3 more parking stalls. The brick wall of the planter was already beginning to show signs of age so it seemed to be a good idea, to which the client agreed.
We scheduled to do the parking lot repair the next Wednesday. The wall was cut back and repairs to it were made. After a new concrete curb and sidewalk slab were poured, we installed the recycled crushed concrete base blend, graded it and compacted it.

At this point, the client thought that rather than putting an asphalt patch in, perhaps we should do a parking lot paving project. We have been maintaining this small lot by crack filling and sealcoating for 15 years. We agreed that this was a good idea and prepped the parking area for new asphalt, giving the client a price to cover the brick planter with a stucco cement mixture. He agreed to this and we made a new slab of concrete flush with the new pavement, creating a ramp for deliveries, which greatly benefited his business.
Needless to say, the owner was thrilled and said, “I should have done this years ago and will have DuMOR pave the other lot next year.
Thank you for working with us again!